What I Offer

I provide perspectives and customized plans through talks, engaging workshops, one-on-one coaching, and specialized business strategy consultations. These services aim to enhance the performance of your family-owned business and turn it into a well-balanced venture.


Speaking Engagements: Insights from the Frontlines of Family Business

In “What Was I Thinking; Family Business ” I present a 60 90 minute talk sharing my expertise in managing family businesses nationwide. This presentation goes beyond storytelling; it provides insights and advice that attendees can implement in their business endeavors. Covering everything from tackling challenges to promoting communication, within family run enterprises the goal of this session is to empower entrepreneurs with valuable know how, for success.


Workshops: Crafting Peace, Harmony, and Profit in the Family Business

Our “What Was I Thinking; Family Business” session is a 60-90 minute experience delving into the 15 steps needed to attain harmony, productivity, and profitability in your family business. This engaging workshop encourages participation from all attendees, enabling an examination of how these steps can be incorporated into their day-to-day activities. Participants will possess a plan for improving their business dynamics and securing success by the session’s conclusion.


Book Signings: A Personal Touch to Your Journey

Come and join us at our book signing gatherings, where you can have your copy of “WTF Was I Thinking; Family Business” autographed. These occasions offer an opportunity to engage on a level, exchange stories about the trials and triumphs of running a family business, and maybe even delve into some valuable tips or reflections from the book.


Coaching: Transforming Your Business and Life

Clients don’t just enlist my services for coaching; they look for a change that gives them time for what counts: a more skilled team and higher daily earnings from their business. My coaching strategy centers on what matters to you: improving team productivity, increasing profitability, ensuring effective business operations, and giving you back your valuable time.


Expert Business Strategy Sessions: Tailored for Your Success

Our specialized business strategy sessions run for 90 to 120 minutes and focus on your business needs. We delve into the challenges your venture encounters, collaborating to create plans to overcome them in line with your business and personal goals. It’s an experience aimed at unleashing your business potential.

Empowering Simplicity, Fostering Trust, and Driving Contribution Through Experienced Leadership

In the dynamic landscape of business and leadership, Andy O'Brien emerges not just as a coach, but as a guide shaped by a lifetime of unique experiences, from the moving trucks of a family business to the boardrooms of growth-oriented firms. Andy's journey is one of transformation, from acknowledging his early challenges to leveraging them as strengths, making him an unparalleled ally in your pursuit of success.

Why Be Coached by Andy?

Real-World Experience: From the ground up, Andy has lived the complexities of family-run businesses and the challenges of scaling operations. His personal journey from the "Son of a Boss" to an executive coach is filled with invaluable lessons on resilience, adaptability, and strategic foresight.

Practical Wisdom: Andy's insights are not just theoretical but are grounded in practical application. His narrative is a testament to overcoming adversity, embracing humility, and the continuous pursuit of learning. This wisdom translates directly into his coaching, providing actionable strategies that resonate with the real-world challenges of his clients.

In a world where complexity often
overshadows clarity,

Andy O'Brien stands as a beacon of practical wisdom and genuine insight. Choosing to be coached by Andy or diving into his book isn't just an investment in business success; it's a commitment to personal growth, understanding the essence of trust, and the art of making simplicity a powerful tool in navigating the ever-changing business landscape.

Contact Me

Whether you have questions about the book, require assistance, or want to share your thoughts, I’m here to listen. Your input and inquiries are valuable to me.

Action Coach

© 2024 Andy O’ Brien

Website Design: Black Ops Agency
